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H2Vector was born in 2019 from the need to provide renewable energies with a clean, abundant and geopolitically unaffected fuel. This new fuel, green hydrogen, allows to achieve a balance between energy production and consumption.

The promoters of the project are a group of professionals from the development of energy projects and applied research in materials.


What is our challenge?

To offer sustainable final energy solutions and applications to support the new energy model.

We seek to make energy the differentiating factor in the development of our customers’ business models and activities. In the medium and long term, we envision a semi-centralized hydrogen production model, as well as decentralized consumption. In addition, we seek to support this model in the development of machines for various end applications based on green hydrogen.


Team H2Vector

Our team shares the same passion: to create sustainable energy solutions that support and drive the day-to-day activities of our customers, both personally and professionally. 

Miguelangel Ocando
Miguelangel Ocando CEO
Laura Guardia
Laura Guardia Product & Innovation Manager
Sandra Fuentes
Sandra Fuentes Marketing & Communication
Jhorman Oliveros
Jhorman Oliveros IOT & Control Developer
Arturo Martín
Arturo Martín Material Engineer
Miguel González
Miguel González Electronic Engineer
Manuel Cueva
Manuel Cueva Equipment manufacturing
Carla González
Carla González Industrial Chemical Engineer
Marina Bordallo
Marina Bordallo Trade and Marketing


DNA H2Vector


Open mind to change, to new actions, methodologies and procedures, keeping a critical eye and evaluating the benefits.


Attention to detail, quality, quick response to solve problems. Correct and efficient customer service, listening to their needs and responding to them.

Effective proactivity

Effective and efficient task management. Fulfillment of objectives in the shortest period of time. Problem solving. Active communication with suppliers and partners.


Commitment to the company, sustainability, the search for the most appropriate solutions, collaboration with customers, colleagues, suppliers and partners.